In an era where digital engagement is essential for community connection, having a well-crafted website is vital for churches looking to reach their congregation effectively. Riverwood Church, located in the heart of Waverly, Iowa, recognized the importance of revitalizing their online presence to better serve their members and the broader community. Wapiti had the privilege of working with Riverwood Church to deliver a custom web development solution that not only modernized their website but also streamlined their operations.

Tailored Web Development for Riverwood Church

Dan, the owner of Wapiti, became deeply involved with Riverwood Church after relocating to Waverly in 2020. As a member of the congregation, he observed that the church's existing website was not meeting its full potential, both in terms of user experience and operational efficiency. After discussions with Pastor Erin Bird, it was clear that the website required a comprehensive overhaul to align with the church’s evolving needs.

Riverwood Church’s previous website posed challenges for their volunteers due to outdated design and poor integration with essential services. Recognizing these pain points, Dan offered to take over the day-to-day management of the site. Wapiti moved the website to their servers, optimizing it for better speed and performance. This was the first step in creating a more responsive and user-friendly online platform for Riverwood Church.

Custom web development elevates riverwood church in waverly, ia

Creating a Custom Website with Advanced Features

To address the unique needs of Riverwood Church, Wapiti developed a completely new website using WordPress, tailored specifically to the church's requirements. This wasn’t just a cosmetic upgrade; the new site was designed to be a robust tool for ministry and communication. By integrating features such as MailPoet for efficient email outreach and a streamlined podcast setup, we significantly reduced the workload for volunteers, allowing them to dedicate more time to the church's mission.

Our approach was to create a website that not only matched Riverwood’s brand identity but also provided the functionality needed to support its growth. The advanced features included in the site ensure that it stands out among typical church websites, offering a modern, accessible, and user-friendly experience for all visitors.

Boosting Local Visibility with Targeted SEO

A well-designed website is only effective if it can be found by those searching for it. To help Riverwood Church connect with more people in Waverly, IA, we implemented a targeted SEO strategy. This included optimizing content, refining site structure, and strategically enhancing keywords and meta tags relevant to the church’s mission and services. As a result, Riverwood Church has seen improved search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic and increasing their outreach within the community.

Reliable Hosting Services for Continuous Performance

Ensuring that Riverwood Church’s website remains fast, secure, and always accessible was another key aspect of our partnership. With Wapiti’s elite hosting services, Riverwood’s website benefits from regular backups, top-tier security measures, and the capability to handle high traffic volumes. This reliable hosting solution means that Riverwood Church can focus on their ministry, knowing their online presence is in good hands.

Dedicated Support for Ongoing Success

Our relationship with Riverwood Church doesn’t end with the launch of their new website. At Wapiti, we’re committed to providing ongoing support to ensure their site continues to perform at its best. Whether it’s implementing new features, making updates, or resolving any issues, our team is always ready to assist, ensuring that Riverwood’s digital presence remains a powerful tool for their mission.


The relationship between Wapiti and Riverwood Church in Waverly, IA, exemplifies our dedication to delivering custom web development solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. By focusing on tailored web design, effective SEO, reliable hosting, and continuous support, we’ve helped Riverwood Church create a digital platform that truly enhances their ability to connect with their community. If your church or business in Waverly, Iowa, is looking to elevate its online presence, reach out to Wapiti today. Let us build a website that serves as a cornerstone of your digital strategy.