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Custom Web Development Services in Waterloo, Iowa

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. At Wapiti, we specialize in custom web development, search engine optimization (SEO), and elite hosting services tailored to meet the unique needs of local businesses in Waterloo, Iowa. Our recent project with Hawkeye Stages, a renowned travel services company based in Waterloo, Iowa, showcases our […]
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4 Tips to Elevate Website Traffic with Returning Visitors

4 Tips to Elevate Website Traffic

Driving traffic to your website is essential, but transforming one-time visitors into loyal, returning customers is the real game-changer. Returning visitors not only boost your traffic stats but also indicate a deeper level of engagement and trust with your brand. Here are four essential tips to elevate your website traffic by attracting returning visitors: 1. Personalize Your Website Experience One […]
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How to Improve Website Traffic with User Experience

In today's digital landscape, attracting visitors to your website is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in keeping them coming back for more. A seamless user experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Did you know? A seamless user experience on a website can significantly increase website traffic and the likelihood of online shoppers returning, […]
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Fueling Your Online Success: The Power of SEO

In today's digital world, having a website is like having a shopfront on the busiest street in town. But imagine that street is poorly lit and hard to find – that's what your website is like without SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As Paul Cookson cleverly put it, "A website without SEO is like a car with no gas." In other […]
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Website Navigation: Do's and Don'ts for Seamless User Experience

In the realm of website design, website navigation plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall user experience. A well-designed website navigation system can guide visitors effortlessly through your website, helping them find what they need quickly and efficiently. Conversely, poor navigation can lead to frustration and abandonment, ultimately harming your conversion rates. To ensure your website's navigation enhances user […]
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WordPress Hosting: The Good, The Bad, and The Junky.

For most companies and nonprofits, WordPress hosting is something that their web designer managed, and it is now forgotten. This is a problem.
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Why You Shouldn’t Use a Website Builder (and Why We Do)

In this article, I want to talk about website builders. Of course, there is an entirely different view of builders depending on whom you talk to.
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Site Navigation That Converts

Site Navigation That Converts

Your site navigation is important to conversion and retention on your website. Too many options and visitors leave confused. Too few options and they can’t find what they want. The trick is in ensuring that you not only provide what the visitor needs but, that you drive forward towards success. In this episode, I cover the ins-and-outs of great site […]
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The Resurgence of eCommerce - Podcast Art

The Resurgence of eCommerce

In the current "corona-economy", business that previously could get by without eCommerce are learning the hard way on how important eCommerce can be to your business. COVID-19 has shut the doors of many brick and mortar shops leaving mostly just businesses with well-built, monetizable websites to find any success at all. Can You Sell Online? There are three main categories […]
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The Importance Of Your Web Tools During Epidemics

The Importance Of Your Web Tools During Epidemics

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is hitting our globe and causing mass disruption. Businesses with a solid online presence are set up to weather this a lot better than businesses that have let their web presence lag. Even if 95% or more of your business is in-shop, your website and tools should be set up to handle the same clientele. We don't have […]
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