New Client Information

New Client Information Submission

Choose which services you'd like for us to transfer. As part of our full service, we HIGHLY recommend you transfer as many services as you are comfortable with. The more access we have, the better we can serve you.

Note: This is only if you already have these services with another company. For new services, we'll communicate separately.

Domain Information

This is the company you pay for your domain name.
If your registrar has a special code for verification, please enter it here.
We think it's best to keep everything together in one place. We charge $30/year for most standard domains (.com/.org/.net - prices vary for other domain extensions). This includes management and renewal fees. If you have other domain names, we'd love to move them all together into one account. If you'd only like to move a few of them, specify the specific ones in the "additional notes" field below.
Checking this box means you agree to allow Wapiti to access your account and make any changes necessary to complete the transfers.

Hosting Information

This is the company you are paying to hold your website.
If your registrar has a special code for verification, please enter it here.
Most hosting companies use a combination of Linux and a program called cPanel. If your current host is using that, we'll transfer your sites for free. If you're not using this setup, we'll get back to you ASAP with a quote to make the transfer for you.
Checking this box means you agree to allow Wapiti to access your account and make any changes necessary to complete the transfers.

Email Information

What company is currently in charge of providing email for your website/business?

We highly recommend Zoho Workspace as it's secure, easily accessible everywhere, and comes with added benefits of online storage and an online office suite.

Please note: There will be no additional charge if a transfer is unnecessary. Transferring email can be quick or time-consuming. This depends on the number of accounts and email within each account. We only bill for the time actively worked and not the time waiting for the transfer to take place (our active client rate is $125/hr.).

Please enter each email address separated by a comma in the box above.
Please enter each password separated by a comma that corresponds to the email accounts above. Please be sure to keep the order the same so we have access.
Checking this box means you agree to allow Wapiti to access your account and make any changes necessary to complete the transfers. Please note, we won't look through your email but it may be available to our team. If you must maintain HIPAA compliance, this should not be checked.

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