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Custom Web Development Services in Waterloo, Iowa

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. At Wapiti, we specialize in custom web development, search engine optimization (SEO), and elite hosting services tailored to meet the unique needs of local businesses in Waterloo, Iowa. Our recent project with Hawkeye Stages, a renowned travel services company based in Waterloo, Iowa, showcases our […]
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4 Tips to Elevate Website Traffic with Returning Visitors

4 Tips to Elevate Website Traffic

Driving traffic to your website is essential, but transforming one-time visitors into loyal, returning customers is the real game-changer. Returning visitors not only boost your traffic stats but also indicate a deeper level of engagement and trust with your brand. Here are four essential tips to elevate your website traffic by attracting returning visitors: 1. Personalize Your Website Experience One […]
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How to Improve Website Traffic with User Experience

In today's digital landscape, attracting visitors to your website is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in keeping them coming back for more. A seamless user experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Did you know? A seamless user experience on a website can significantly increase website traffic and the likelihood of online shoppers returning, […]
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podcast art ep50

Why Your Website Matters

In this day and age, everyone should have a website. There are many people who don't have brick-and-mortar locations but have a website. As such, your website is actually often your primary business "location" instead of your physical address. Your website matters no matter what kind of business you have. I have been approached by so many people about websites, […]
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business growth burnout

A Candid Chat On Burn Out

The topic for this article is something I’ve experienced before, but never to the extent I’ve been experiencing lately. This is the subject of “burnout." Burnout can mean a lot of different things to a lot of people. For me (since I have a bad back), I equate burnout to saying, “My back’s gone out.” Saying that, a back going […]
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Adding Technology to Your Business

Do you have a business that needs to adopt technology to move forward? Even some of the most technologically advanced businesses are constantly adopting new technologies just to stay ahead of the curve. Technology can actually hinder growth if you're adopting technology for technology's sake. In this article, I address the proper ways to go about adding technology to your business. You don't have to be scared to bring in the technology and help necessary to help your business succeed.
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The Designer CPA - an interview with Peter Lang

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Lang, owner of The Designer CPA. Peter started rising quickly through the ranks at the CPA firm he started with until, one day, he was written up for being "too helpful". This led him to realize that corporate life wasn't for him. Instead, he chose to pursue the path of being a CPA that focuses on creatives and interior designers. It was a pleasure to chat with him and I sincerely hope you are able to gain some key insights through the podcast episode and this transcription.
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Coping With Uncertainty In Business

Every business owner can be confident in one thing: we'll spend more time in deep uncertainty than we will ever experience the feeling of "job security." As I write this, I'm struggling with massive amounts of uncertainty myself - which really is nothing new. In this article, I explore the depths of the uncertainty I experience and share some of my […]
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2018 Review - Our Master Marketing Experiment

I'm writing this article to discuss Wapiti. I want to show you just how far we've come in the past year as well as discuss some of my failures as the owner of the business and the steps I took to rectify many of them. Specifically, I want the reader of this article to learn from my mistakes because past […]
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Interview with Joni Fedders of Aileron

As a past business owner, Joni understands the risks, rewards, and challenges that ownership and professional management bring.  She had the opportunity at Iams as a Brand Manager to live in a professionally managed organization where she saw firsthand how strategy, strong leadership and culture can fuel a company to do great things. After Iams, Joni co-founded a technology services […]
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