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Nuggets of knowledge from Dan and the Wapiti team

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The Resurgence of eCommerce - Podcast Art

The Resurgence of eCommerce

In the current "corona-economy", business that previously could get by without eCommerce are learning the hard way on how important eCommerce can be to your business. COVID-19 has shut the doors of many brick and mortar shops leaving mostly just businesses with well-built, monetizable websites to find any success at all. Can You Sell Online? There are three main categories […]
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Forget Work-Life Balance Be Present - Podcast Art

Forget Work-Life Balance - Be Present

In business, the work/life balance is a conversation that is frequently had. Many CEOs of medium-sized companies tend to ignore the work/life balance because the only way to get ahead is to plug on. Even though I don’t adhere to it specifically, I think there is something to the idea behind finding a work/life balance. You can be successful at […]
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The Golden Rule in Business - Podcast Art

The Golden Rule In Business

As in life, the Golden Rule directly applies to how a business should operate. Now, in this uncertain time, more than ever, it should be practiced over and over again. Small businesses stand to suffer in the coming months but there is a lot that fellow business owners can do to help mitigate this. Coronavirus Woes In Washington state, Governor […]
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The Importance Of Your Web Tools During Epidemics

The Importance Of Your Web Tools During Epidemics

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is hitting our globe and causing mass disruption. Businesses with a solid online presence are set up to weather this a lot better than businesses that have let their web presence lag. Even if 95% or more of your business is in-shop, your website and tools should be set up to handle the same clientele. We don't have […]
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Creating Recurring Revenue For Your Business - Podcast Art

Creating Recurring Revenue For Your Business

Finding a recurring revenue model for your business is a must in 2020. In this article, I discuss the importance of recurring revenue for your business. We take a look at a few businesses that turned static products into recurring revenue and explore ways to find recurring revenue models for your business. There are multiple ways of creating recurring revenue […]
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Why Your Website Hosting Is Important - Podcast Art

Why Your Website Hosting Is Important

As a web professional, I've found that many people are grossly misinformed about the importance of your hosting company. Wapiti offers hosting to our clients purely because of this issue with misinformation. If you want a good search ranking and you want your visitors to have a good experience, then good website hosting is a super important piece of the […]
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Why Espresso Stands Need A Website - Podcast Art

Why Espresso Stands Need A Website

I am a coffee guy. I spent 13 years managing a coffee roasting company. We owned multiple drive-thru stands, roasted coffee, and had a successful subscription marketing service. I have over 20 years of knowledge of the coffee industry. For this article, I wanted to take that knowledge and marry it with what Wapiti does – specifically our ability to […]
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Bringing The Messaging of Your Business Into Focus - Podcast Art

Bringing The Messaging of Your Business Into Focus

The purpose of this article is about my strategy for establishing a business plan for 2020. It's important for your business to have a clear plan for forward movement. I realize this isn’t a novel idea, but it’s a great reminder to think about your business goals. Maybe your goal is as basic as feeding your family. Hopefully, there is […]
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Dan And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Podcast Art

Dan And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I just learned a huge lesson - or maybe I just had a bad day. Business ownership isn't all sunshine and roses as all business owners will tell you. I just got back from the post office, delivering a refund check to a client for a mistake that I made. The title of this is Dan and the Terrible, Horrible, […]
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Episode 51 Podcast Art

An Interview with Brandon Ericson - Owner of Camano Commons Marketplace

Camano Voice Podcast Brandon Ericson is the owner of Camano Commons Marketplace. He is also frequently heard through his podcast, the Camano Voice Podcast. We encourage you to listen to his podcast if you're interested in knowing more about the Stanwood and Camano Island areas here in Washington State. Brandon even interviewed Dan for his third episode! Interview Transcript Dan: […]
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Does Your eCommerce Serve Your Customers?

Online Sales
Recurring Revenue Baked In
Powerful Product Filtering
Inventory Control
Customer Retargeting
Abandoned Cart Followup
Upsells on Checkout
Search Engine Optimized
Empowered Customer Support
Returns Management
If your eCommerce solution doesn't offer all of the above get in touch before you lose any further sales.
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More Than Beautiful Website Design

Wapiti's websites are the perfect combination of beauty and conversion optimization. Each site we build is search optimized during the build process, speed optimized when hosted on our servers, and conversion focused to attract new customers and help you capture new business.
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