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The Power of Subscription eCommerce

The Power of Subscription eCommerce

Have you ever wondered how successful businesses maintain a loyal customer base? It's not just about offering great products or services; it's about fostering lasting relationships with your audience. One strategy that has gained traction in recent years is subscription eCommerce. But what exactly is subscription eCommerce, and why is it so important for sustaining the growth of your business? […]
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How to Improve Website Traffic with User Experience

In today's digital landscape, attracting visitors to your website is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in keeping them coming back for more. A seamless user experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Did you know? A seamless user experience on a website can significantly increase website traffic and the likelihood of online shoppers returning, […]
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Fueling Your Online Success: The Power of SEO

In today's digital world, having a website is like having a shopfront on the busiest street in town. But imagine that street is poorly lit and hard to find – that's what your website is like without SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As Paul Cookson cleverly put it, "A website without SEO is like a car with no gas." In other […]
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Website Navigation: Do's and Don'ts for Seamless User Experience

In the realm of website design, website navigation plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall user experience. A well-designed website navigation system can guide visitors effortlessly through your website, helping them find what they need quickly and efficiently. Conversely, poor navigation can lead to frustration and abandonment, ultimately harming your conversion rates. To ensure your website's navigation enhances user […]
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WordPress Hosting: The Good, The Bad, and The Junky.

For most companies and nonprofits, WordPress hosting is something that their web designer managed, and it is now forgotten. This is a problem.
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Why You Shouldn’t Use a Website Builder (and Why We Do)

In this article, I want to talk about website builders. Of course, there is an entirely different view of builders depending on whom you talk to.
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Wapiti BGP Cover Art 1

Brand Step 3: A Tagline That Defines Your Brand

Not all businesses have taglines. As a matter of fact, quite a few of my existing clients don't actually use a tagline. In my opinion, however, it's important to have a statement about your business even if it isn't a publically facing tagline. Having your tagline, whether public or private, will inform the way you move forward with the story […]
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Branding Step 2: Steps to the Perfect Logo

Wapiti has just endured a radical rebranding from our original name, Brand Shouter. While we'll continue to serve our clients in exactly the same way, we are changing everything about our brand from the ground up similarly to starting a new business. For this article, we explore the process Wapiti took in selecting our new logo. For any business, your […]
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Wapiti BGP Cover Art 1

Branding Step 1: Choose Your Business Name

Brand Shouter is undergoing a radical rebranding. While we'll continue to serve our clients in exactly the same way, we are changing everything about our brand from the ground up similarly to starting a new business. The Move As of September 2020, Brand Shouter is now located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. As the owner of the business, it follows me […]
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Site Navigation That Converts

Site Navigation That Converts

Your site navigation is important to conversion and retention on your website. Too many options and visitors leave confused. Too few options and they can’t find what they want. The trick is in ensuring that you not only provide what the visitor needs but, that you drive forward towards success. In this episode, I cover the ins-and-outs of great site […]
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Does Your eCommerce Serve Your Customers?

Online Sales
Recurring Revenue Baked In
Powerful Product Filtering
Inventory Control
Customer Retargeting
Abandoned Cart Followup
Upsells on Checkout
Search Engine Optimized
Empowered Customer Support
Returns Management
If your eCommerce solution doesn't offer all of the above get in touch before you lose any further sales.
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More Than Beautiful Website Design

Wapiti's websites are the perfect combination of beauty and conversion optimization. Each site we build is search optimized during the build process, speed optimized when hosted on our servers, and conversion focused to attract new customers and help you capture new business.
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