It's super easy to grab those first few 5-star reviews and this post is to quickly explain how with actionable steps you can take right now. These steps will boost your online reviews and, through that, increase trust in your company.

Quick Question: Do you have some good clients that you are able to contact right now? Would they be willing to "do you a solid" and leave a fast review?

I'm willing to bet anyone reading this can think of at least 5 people that could leave glowing, online reviews for their business. Here's a quick step-by-step to get those easy reviews that will boost your trust online:

  1. Call the people you are thinking about one by one. Make this call personal - don't just ask for a review. Tell them "thank you" for supporting your business and ask if there is anything else you can do for them (this could also double as more business as well). It's important that you are sincere - you should be sincere after all, they are supporting you!
  2. When the time is right, let them know that you're asking for a small favor. Tell them that you're trying to encourage more business and you'd love it if they could take a couple of moments to leave a review for your business on Google.
  3. If they say yes, tell them to search for your business name on Google and click the "Write a Review" button that Google shows on the right side. Alternatively, text or email them a link to your review page by first, opening it yourself on your screen and copying and pasting the address into the message.

BAM. It's that easy and your business now has positive vibes for web searchers.

While we're at it we might as well ask you to do the same for us. We'd love more reviews from our clients. If you've used our services before, please leave a review for us on Google. (Thank you so much!)

Bonus: Are You Still Reading?
Make sure you respond to their reviews and let them know how much you appreciate them. This makes your business look more human and increases perception.